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leave our women alone you filthy bastards, |
86 assault rapes committed between 2005-2010 and where rapist could be identified there has been 83 of those that were committed by man of foreign origin, of non western appearance, almost all the women assault-raped were of ethnic Norwegians.
One woman recounted how her Pakastani rapist had told her quote;" he had the right to do exactly as he wanted to a woman" why? "because that is how it was in his Religion, women did not have rights or opinions, he was in charge" and in April 2010 four women were assault-raped on the same night, all non western appearance and all still not caught.
As I read this article I cannot help but get angry at our Govt. for not taking the issue of asylum seekers seriously, our self serving leftist Govt. led by Julia Gillard are doing us no favors by allowing these muslim country shopping 'asylum seekers' into this country.
It must be like a giant big lolly shop to these creatures, they cannot keep their hands off the sweets, maybe we should adopt Sharia and cut off their hands for taking what is not theirs, oh, wait!, rape needs at least 4male witnesses doesn't it?.
I say we should all take to the streets and tell this dopey Dillard we have had enough asylum seekers too, do we have to get to the stage of our Northern friends before we act, and by then it will be way too late.
There is no need for me to mention the dreadful assault rape that took place here in Australia, NSW a few years back when a group of muslim male youth decided to gang rape an Aussie. Fucking filth need their balls chopped off, oh, they have no balls to begin with. arseholes. Too bad those fuckers were born here, or would that even matter. Our Govt's are so intent on wiping the arse of every down in the muslim that they leave their own people citizens at risk. These Politicians need a good slapping to wake them up.
"Girls Like You;" RACIST RAPES, the truth comes out. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/07/13/1026185124700.html
Underage Christian girls raped in Pakistan http://undhimmi.com/2011/01/17/pakistan-muslim-rapes-sixth-underage-christian-girl/
Gang rape in the Immigration Detention Center?, and you want them out???. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/detainee-rape-claim-tests-policy/story-fn59niix-1226047268716
Asylum seeker assaulted by another asylum seeker en-route to Australia http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-10-24/aslym-seeker-sex-assault-claim/3597798
Oslo 2010: ALL Assaults involving Rape committed by Muslims http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRT0TR9SBhE
*FOOTNOTE: Listening to the radio one morning I heard of asylum seekers being allowed out of the Christmas Island facility to attend sporting events, during those events the asylum seekers had to be watched closely by security as there had been reports of 'asylum seekers' harassing and annoying the local Aussie women on the island. FOWF
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