Liberal leader Tony Abbott has backed ACT Liberal Senator Gary Humphries who last Thursday tabled a petition calling for a moratorium on Muslim immigration for the next 10yrs. Although Humpheries himself does not support the petition but believes that Australians should have the right to put forth their views to the Parliament.
Three Sydney-siders (should have asked me, I would have made four!) have called for a review of the immigration policy and have asked that prority be given to Christians.

Sounds like the Senator is more concerned with the muslims in his electorate getting the shits with him than he is about garnering support for this petition, I will not be holding my breath for any positive outcomes for this one. This is a headline grabber for yesterday and tomorrow it is forgotten, it may stir debate once again about muslim immigration and once agin the pot will be stirred by the Left who see any sort of debate about immigration as racist.
Good ol' Barnaby Joyce from the LNP said that he would support a ban or a moratorium on Muslim immigration for 10 years. "I would be very circumspect to do that," he said. "I would be more likely to call for a ban on immigration altogether than start picking and choosing who you're going to have and who you're not going to have."
My own view is that we are orf' our narnas' if we do not knock this immigration on the head now, today, immediately. The majority of immigrants that arrive in Australia are muslims, over 95% of those that arrive by boat are muslims, and a large majority of the 'legal' ones are also from the muslim nations. Of course muslim immigration has to be stopped, we are already being bred out of existence by them. Makes me mad when I think of this Labor Govt.s blatant disregard for what the majority of aussies want and what this country needs.!
I do not know why we continue to welcome muslims with open arms when we know of their agenda for the West and indeed the world

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