Just a quick little posting to say that today I am flaunting my uncovered flesh in an attempt to prove the mad Iranian cleric wrong in his belief that women who are scantily clad women are to blame for natural disasters such as earthquakes and floodings ect. ect. Stating that "many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes,", cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi has pissed off many women. there is a FB page dedicated to BOOBQUAKE and so far has over 40,000 attending, I am one of them! :)
I would like to encourage all women to show as much cleavage as possible for the next 24hrs. Men are invited too :p
So get your breasts, boobs, titties, mammary glands, jugs, melons whatever you lovingly call your boosams out into the open and bounce them, jiggle them and have some fun with them today.
On a serious note it could also be a good time to check your boobies for any suspicious lumps and bumps.
P.S. this is my first blog and I am hoping to get the hang of it and work my way around the site, it will only get better with time. Be prepared for a few dummie spits along the way as I do not take kindly to Left wing do gooders who try to do good for everyone else except their own countrymen.
So have a great day and bare it all, don't be shy!
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