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Monday, May 30, 2011

Why are we there when we are exporting the enemy here.

        I want to know why the hell we are in Afghanistan losing man after man in a country where we cannot tell friend from foe, a country where we help rebuild their Nation only for them to blow it up again and a country where we train and help the people to stand on their own two feet only to have them turn on us.  I am over helping them, how about we help ourselves for a change.
       Always of the mindset that we take the fight to them and that it is better to fight the bastards there than here, and although I still maintain that the fight is better served taking it to them and keep our Country clear of the shit, I gotta question whether we are still doing the right thing.
 As life is lost and tears are wiped away I sit and wonder why?, why are we still there?.  I know that success in Afghanistan will never resemble Park Ave and is measured by the number of suicide bombings, rebuilding and to a degree mentoring and training up the Afghan Army.  I say we have succeeded in that cesspit and that not much else can be achieved there and if I want to be selfish I will say that I would much prefer to have our men and women home here in Australia, let our Army and Armed Services protect and defend our borders.  We are importing the enemy and this Gillard Govt. is the enabler.  As I type this note preparations are under way to bring home two more lost soldiers, killed while patrolling and protecting a country that I feel would take us in a heart beat if had the chance. 

Two more of our finest killed in Afghanistan

     As we bring home the body of Sergeant Brett Wood who was killed in Afghanistan last week after a roadside IED exploded the Defense Force this morning gave the announcement and confirmed that two Australians had been killed overnight.  This brings the number of men lost in that hellhole to 26, operations began in late 2001.   Both died in separate 'incidents'  No names have been given yet.
      One of the men died when he was shot by a Afghan army national, the traitorous bastard fired his weapon then fled the scene. Another Afghan fired his weapon at the offender but missed, the Afghan soldier traitor is yet to be apprehended.  Both were on guard duty and the 'incident' (more like murder) took place at Patrol Base Marshal in the Chora Valley. Air Chief Marshal Houston said "Despite receiving substantial medical treatment at the base and being airlifted very quickly to a nearby medical facility at Tarin Kowt in well under an hour the Australian soldier died from his wounds," .
     Although his name has not been released we know he is 25-years-old, a lance corporal who had been in the Army for seven years. He previously served in East Timor and had started in Afghanistan in November last year.
    Air Chief Marshal Houston said the circumstances of the 25-year-old soldier's death were disturbing, given that Australian personnel were training and mentoring elements of the Afghan National Army.
     We lost our second soldier when he was killed a few hours later after a Chinook helicopter on a resupply mission crashed. There was a US Chinook in close proximity which landed and provided immediate medivac assistance, but a 27-year-old lieutenant from Vic died at the scene. He was a qualified pilot and had previously served in East Timor and was part of the Queensland flood assitance team.

******My thoughts go to all the family and friends of these men, and as my eyes well with tears and I reflect on what Freedom and Sacrifice really mean  
When you say 'LEST WE FORGET', say the words slowly and thoughtfully, don't use them as a throwaway line, actually think about the life, or lives lost.

MANHUNT FOR ROGUE AFGHAN SOLDIER http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/05/31/3231591.htm?section=justin


Bring our men home to where they are loved and appreciated. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

RE Muslims: Now what do they want.




Well we know that the Ju-LIAR DILLard Watermelon Party oops, I mean Julia Gillard Labor Party is all for Multiculturalism and now we have had the chance to put submissions to a federal inquiry into it and of course first cab off that rank is the  Australian Federation of Islamic Councils    They are concerned that muslims are forced to live close together and that money money $$$$ and investment should be given to the muslim community so that they can expand...... 
               “The Government should invest in expanding services like halal and kosher meat and food outlets as well as faith-based schools,” it said. “If the Government and politicians cannot recognize this as essential, it should no longer accuse the Australian Muslim community of intentionally living in enclaves .”Heba Ibrahim, the AFIC board member has told media there are reasons that muslims are drawn to certain suburbs.“I’m saying there needs to be a greater investment generally in schools that wish to go out into other areas that are not heavily populated with particular migrant and religious groups,” she said. 
     On the other side of the coin and a more reasonable submission was one from the Executive Council of Australian Jewry that told a Federal Parliament committee on migration that Australia must learn from the failed “anything goes” model of multiculturalism in Europe and suggested that new migrants to the country be on some sort of bond or probationary period to enable a “confident assessment of their acceptance of Australian values and laws before granting full citizenship” Peter Wertheim from the ECAJ said there was concern about Islamic extremists.. .



                  *RE Muslims: Expansion you say...., mmmm, the hairs on my back stand up when I hear expansion and muslims in the same sentence.  They already have ample halal outlets, have many schools, and mosques too numerous to count I mean Woolies in many areas now have their own refrigeration for halal meat so that it is not near 'our' food. Many of our foods have become halal to make the muslims feel at home.  I personally find that with the muslim community it seems that the more you give them the more they want and expect.  There must be limitations on what this new multiculturalism will involve, can we all put our hands up and ask for specialty treatment?, is that equality and assimilation or is it creeping Sharia, little steps of Islamic appeasement and then one day awaken to a whole new set of laws and systems in place especially for the muslim community?. The muslim community already has Sharia in matters of marriage, finance and children, so why more?.  The Islamic Council wants more.  I say NO..
      I find that the Jewish Council has a more reasonable approach to multiculturalism, I mean if you wish to live in this beautiful country and be part of this wonderful land I see no reason why you would not be perfectly happy with the way things are, therefore there should be no problem nor hesitation for new arrivals to say 'yeah, sure, I will embrace this country and I will behave myself and prove my worth for this land, I will try and speak the language of my new country and I shall not want nor expect any special treatment, I shall contribute and be a proud citizen of Australia'
       There are places for muslims, places for Jews, places for Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and atheists. Our country is a unique country and we have embraced many peoples from many lands however, when the word Sharia rears its head and the word expansion is also mentioned I say NO..

coming to a Woolworths near you
 Australian Federation of Islamic Councils http://www.afic.com.au/  

Sharia already being administered in NSW  http://www.news.com.au/national/sharia-law-applied-secretly-in-sydney/story-e6frfkvr-1226057896078

Muslims to push for Sharia  http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/muslims-use-multiculturalism-to-push-for-sharia/story-fn59niix-1226057100331 

New Premier Rules Out Funding for Halal outlets http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/pay-for-muslims-to-feel-at-home/story-e6frf7jo-1226057835721 

Special refrigeration for Halal meat in major supermarkets

          I hope that people will start to be aware of what is happening here in Australia, even though we are a young country does not mean that we should wait another coupla' hundred years before we pull our heads out of our bum and see the bigger picture, we do not have the luxury of time.  We are fast losing the title of the lucky country and even faster becoming a muslim haven for all the dreggs from war-torn nations of the Muddle East and North Africa and lets not forget these are the same ones who are escaping their own countries because of instability and I do not want that instability imported and then thrust onto us.  I want no part of this new multiculturalism shit. . 
            Our deceased veterans are weeping from above as they watch the demise of this once superb Nation which they defended physically, emotionally and verbally.  Let us not forget our roots and what this country was founded on, it was founded on the blood, sweat and tears of people who embraced a country and a lifestyle that has flourished to become the best Country in the world.  People who came here, went out of their way to learn the 'lingo', who laughed and cried with us through good times and bad, who contributed to this country and payed their dues.  I thank all those from Europe and those from other parts who have made this country a uniquely Australian way of life.  
,... Love It Or Leave It,  is my motto                            

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Refugees and 'rithametic

These $$$ will be swallowed up
         or at least how to Budget properly
   Last year Govt. budgeted only $239 million for offshore asylum seeker management in 2011-12, it was blown out of the water by 400% to over $1 billion dollars, yes, ONE BILLION DOLLARS FOR ONE YEAR OF OFFSHORE PROCESSING.  Do not be naive and think that off shore processing is costing us too much and therefore we must find alternatives, the point is that the BOATS HAVE NOT STOPPED COMING and therefore the BUDGET WILL CONTINUE TO SPIRAL out of the allocated monies.
      Budget papers this year have put the cost at $1.6 billion, they had estimated $762 million. .. mmmm, do they know that the boats will not stop coming now, have they realized that their policies and their adherance to the left has resulted in a shambles of border protection and the word 'refugee'?
There will be another blowout of the budget if all the Govt. has allowed for the next 4yrs is $2.5 billion for managing boat arrivals.  I say that 2.5 bill will see us through two years not four.
   What about the mainland Detention Centers and 'related costs'  Related costs, by that do they mean the appeal processes and access to courts and lawyers, do they mean renovations and new equipment when riots and demands by these people take hold.?, that piddlie amount of just over $706 million will cover Jack Shit if number of claims and appeals, boatpeople and trouble at Centers is anything to go by.
Call me cold and selfish but I say Enough is Enough.
       This Govt. is having a lend of us all..These allocated monies are just a number plucked from thin air, this lying pathetic Govt. knows how to do averages surely, and if averages are anything to go by we will be over the magic billion dollar mark come Christmas, this Christmas!.I wish this Ju-LIAR DILLard would shove her pride and stubbornness and return to the Howard years of border control.
      Also,$292 million over the next four years on the so-called "Malaysia Solution". Ju-LIAR's new bright idea is to send 800 of these country shoppers to Malaysia and to accept 4000 in return, good maths that one!.  This in turn will take our refugee commitment up another 1000 per year taking us to 14,750 'genuine refugees' per year.  Priority will be given to refugees from Africa, Muddle East and Asia.  Lovely!.
Another $107.7 million will be spent over four years to fund the new process for determination of boat people, in response to a High Court judgment. Who is running this show?. Not us by the looks of things.
     $1.1 billion in this next twelve months to combat border control and it will spend $77.1 million to continue anti-people smuggling surveillance and detection operations. Maritime patrol vessel at a cost of $62 million. It will spend almost $44 million upgrading infrastructure at Christmas Island.  Money, Money, Money $$$$$

Money does not grow on trees ya' know!
  • Department of Immigration and Citizenship budget papers now put the cost at $1.06 billion.
  • Managing boat arrivals for the next four years $2.5 billion  (managing boat arrivals for four years, not a real confident line of thought for stopping the boats)
  • In the next four years the so called malaysia solution to cost $292 million
  • Over four years a new process for determination of boat people, in response to a High Court judgement will cost $107.7 million 
  • Increased caseload will give Migration Review Tribunal and the Refugee Review Tribunal an extra $14 million
  • Border protection will cost the government an estimated $1.1 billion
  • To continue anti-people smuggling surveillance and detection operations will cost an additional $77.1 million    
  • Pay Indonesia (again) over three years to strengthen anti-people smuggling cooperation $33.3 million.
  • ACV Triton maritime patrol vessel at a cost of $62 million. 
  • Upgrading infrastructure (refurbishing after destroyed by ungrateful country shoppers) at Christmas Island. It will spend almost $44 million

*****My personal view is that DILLard has discovered that the Australian people are not as dumb as she thought and that in fact her alliance with the Left has left a lot to be desired.  Maybe this new Watermelon commie Govt. has full intentions of allowing this country to turn into the trash bin nation of the West but she will put this on the hop border control policy out there and hope that the simple minded Aussies will take her smoke and mirror show.  One minute the woman is bleeting about how dirty and inhuman Narau is and the next she is putting 800 in Malaysia which is no different to Narau.  Ju-LIAR Dillard has put this country at risk the way she has allowed her inept policies to result in a virtual free run at this wonderful country.  I wish Ju-LIAR DILLard would take them personally to Malaysia and stay there with them, Oh, and by the way, how are we to get these 800 to Malaysia, are they to go by plane or ship, and will they embark on the journey willingly or will we have another Tampa***** 

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/federal-budget/asylum-seeker-costs-quadruple-to-1b-20110510-1eh90.html#ixzz1M3MGNi8w

Greens and Coalition wants Malaysia deal dropped, both for entirely different reasons.  http://www.theage.com.au/national/senate-urges-refugee-swap-be-dropped-20110511-1eiyt.html

 Australian Conservative http://australianconservative.com/2011/05/labors-budget-blow-out-on-boats-exceeds-worst-expectations/ 

I sit and look at my country's change
.......And often wish that I could arrange,
A new set of guidlines and rules to abide
.... ..Then perhaps, maybe, then we could stem this tide.
For at this rate we will not stop
...  The flow of trash from tip to top
We are doing our a great dis-service
....  Do you think we can ever reverse this?
For the sake of our children I certinaly hope
......We can rid ourselves of this Ranga' dope!
A one termer we hope and pray
......For the day when we can say, "Fuck off and Hooray"
                                                                                                                                       by diane




