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Perhaps it is a combination of many things I see around me these days, so much change and not very much of it for the good. I see the traditions of yesteryear being eroded away, swept beneath layers of Govt. bureaucrats, swallowed up and spat out by those who wish to appease minorities to the detriment of us, the ol' skool Aussies. Would the mob who sit on the Left side like to see the islamic Flag flying over Parliament House, how about a Flag with all the colours of the rainbow, oops!, that one is taken. I know how about a polka dotted kangaroo with a little joey sticking out of her pouch. Get over it Lefties, you wanna a new Flag?, go buy a sheet (I would say a white one but you may call me racist!) and some coloured pencils and off ya' go. Easy fixed, so leave the Flag alone. I wish they would all just leave it alone however I feel that that this is jump a start off point for this lot and although I would like to believe Ju-LIAR is being honest when she says No to Flag change but somehow I just do not believe her.
Ju-LIAR and Abbott say No to change. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/01/26/3122305.htm
Australian of the year sticks his bib into the Flag debate http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/simon-mckeon-named-australian-of-the-year-for-2011/story-e6frf7l6-1225995082967
Meaning Of Our Flag http://home.iprimus.com.au/sevenstars/meaning%20of%20our%20flag.html
Monarchist Org Australia http://monarchist.org.au/australian%20flag.htm
OUR FLAG, ...... The poem
Our Flag wears the stars that blaze at night,
In our Southern skies of blue,
And a little old flag in the corner,
That’s part of our heritage too.
It’s for the English, the Scots and the Irish,
Who were sent to the ends of the earth,
The rogues and schemers, the doers and dreamers,
Who gave modern Australia its birth.
Who were sent to the ends of the earth,
The rogues and schemers, the doers and dreamers,
Who gave modern Australia its birth.
And you, who are shouting to change it,
You don’t seem to understand,
It’s the flag of our laws and our language,
Not the flag of a faraway land.
You don’t seem to understand,
It’s the flag of our laws and our language,
Not the flag of a faraway land.
Though there are plenty of people who'll tell you,
How when Europe was plunged into night,
That little old flag in the corner,
Was their symbol of freedom and light.
How when Europe was plunged into night,
That little old flag in the corner,
Was their symbol of freedom and light.
It doesn’t mean we owe allegiance,
To a forgotten imperial dream,
We’ve the stars to show where we’re going,
And the old flag to show where we’ve been.
To a forgotten imperial dream,
We’ve the stars to show where we’re going,
And the old flag to show where we’ve been.
It’s only an old piece of bunting,
It’s only an old piece of rag,
But there are thousands who’ve died for its honour,
And shed of their blood for OUR FLAG.
It’s only an old piece of rag,
But there are thousands who’ve died for its honour,
And shed of their blood for OUR FLAG.
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Draped over the coffins of our fallen |
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Lest We Forget that good men (and women) | have died under this Flag |
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Red, White and Blue |