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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No Flag change for me.

                        I hope you all had a fantastic Australia Day with family and friends, lots of good tucker and a few ales to kick back with in the arvo'.  If anything like me you would have enjoyed the spirit of the day but also spent some time in reflection thinking about all things Australian, and first thing that springs to mind is the Flag.  Yep, for me it is the Red, White and Blue.  The Union Jack in the left hand top corner which reminds me of our ties to Britain and the Southern Cross which is distinctive in Australia and represents our position geographically in the world.  I love our Flag.  The large Federation Cross (or sometimes referred to as the Commonwealth Star) with it's seven points, each point representing a State and Territory of our Nation it is unique in every way.
                          I see no need for change and why is it that the people who want change seem to pick the most inappropriate times to voice their views.  Last year it was around ANZAC Day and this year Australia Day.  Why do they do that?, they make me mad.   My emotions go from anger when I hear that the Flag these days is a symbol of racism or 'Aussie Pride" to sadness when I hear blatant disregard for the fact that so many have died under our Flag, in wars past and present.  I have shed tears over this issue, it is very emotive for me.
                           Perhaps it is a combination of many things I see around me these days, so much change and not very much of it for the good.  I see the traditions of yesteryear being eroded away, swept beneath layers of Govt. bureaucrats, swallowed up and spat out by those who wish to appease minorities to the detriment of us, the ol' skool Aussies.  Would the mob who sit on the Left side like to see the islamic Flag flying over Parliament House, how about a Flag with all the colours of the rainbow, oops!, that one is taken.  I know how about a polka dotted kangaroo with a little joey sticking out of her pouch.  Get over it Lefties, you wanna a new Flag?, go buy a sheet (I would say a white one but you may call me racist!) and some coloured pencils and off ya' go.  Easy fixed, so leave the Flag alone. I wish they would all just leave it alone however I feel that that this is jump a start off point for this lot and although I would like to believe Ju-LIAR is being honest when she says No to Flag change but somehow I just do not believe her.

  Ju-LIAR and Abbott say No to change.  http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/01/26/3122305.htm

 Australian of the year sticks his bib into the Flag debate  http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/national/simon-mckeon-named-australian-of-the-year-for-2011/story-e6frf7l6-1225995082967

Meaning Of Our Flag   http://home.iprimus.com.au/sevenstars/meaning%20of%20our%20flag.html

Monarchist Org Australia             http://monarchist.org.au/australian%20flag.htm

                          OUR FLAG, ...... The poem

                          Our Flag wears the stars that blaze at night,
                             In our Southern skies of blue,
                              And a little old flag in the corner,
                             That’s part of our heritage too.

It’s for the English, the Scots and the Irish,
Who were sent to the ends of the earth,
The rogues and schemers, the doers and dreamers,
Who gave modern Australia its birth.
And you, who are shouting to change it,
You don’t seem to understand,
It’s the flag of our laws and our language,
Not the flag of a faraway land.
Though there are plenty of people who'll tell you,
How when Europe was plunged into night,
That little old flag in the corner,
Was their symbol of freedom and light.
It doesn’t mean we owe allegiance,
To a forgotten imperial dream,
We’ve the stars to show where we’re going,
And the old flag to show where we’ve been.
It’s only an old piece of bunting,
It’s only an old piece of rag,
But there are thousands who’ve died for its honour,
And shed of their blood for OUR FLAG.

Draped over the coffins of our fallen


Lest We Forget that good men (and women) have died under this Flag

Red, White and Blue             

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Divorce from Julia and Co.?

      I Spotted this little gem and thought you would appreciate it, it is eloquently put and is my sentiments to a tee.          
Ju-L I A R  Pinocchio Gillard

  Dear Australian Laborites, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Gillard,... et al:
     We have stuck together since the late 1950's for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce.
      I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has clearly run its course.  

     Our two ideological sides of Australia cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms.
      We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way Here is a model separation agreement:  Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a similar portion. 
     That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy!  
     Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides have such distinct and disparate tastes.

  •                    We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. 
You are welcome to the ACTU, the Fabian Society and every member of Emily?s List. 
  •                   Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops and the military.
  •                   We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and you can go with wind, solar and biodiesel.
You can keep the ABC left wingers (particularly Kerry O'Brien) and Bob Brown.
You are, however, responsible for finding an electric vehicle big enough to move all of them.

  •                   We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Woolworths and the Stock Exchange. 
You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, dole bludgers, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies and boat people. 
  •                  We'll keep the budgie smuggling, bike riding, volunteer firemen and lifesavers, greedy CEOs and rednecks. 
  •                   We'll keep the Bibles and the churches and give you SBS and the Greens.
You can make peace with Iran, Palestine and the Taliban and, ........ we'll retain the right to stand up and fight when threatened. 
You can have the greenies and war protesters. 
  •                   When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security. 
  •                   We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values. 
You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness and Penny Wong. You can also have the U.N.
But we will no longer be paying the bill.

  •                     We'll keep the 4WDs, utes and V8s. You can take every hybrid hatchback you can find.
  •                     We'll keep "Waltzing Matilda" and our National Anthem. 
I'm sure you'll be happy to keep in tune with Peter Garrett as he sings "Imagine", "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya", "We Are The World" and his recent big solo hit ?Beds and Batts are Burning?.
  •                      We'll practice trickle down economics and you can continue to give trickle up poverty your best shot. Since it so often offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our flag.

Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded conservative Australians and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you answer which one of us will need whose help in 15 years.
John Wall, ........ Australian Law Student

P.S. Also, please take Lindsey Tanner, Wayne Swan, Alan Griffin, John Faulkner, Kevin Rudd and Jenny Macklin with you.
P. P. S. And you won't have to press 1 for English when you call our country

These Black Widows Have Two Legs.

             BLACK WIDOW  female suicide bombers
Deadly little bastards,

The term “Shahidah” comes originally from the term “Shahidka,” (a term in Russian loosely translated to “Black Widow”) used for female Chechen suicide bombers in 2002.  The Black Widows draw their name from the full-length black dress that many have worn at terrorist attacks, around which they wear belts packed with explosives and shrapnel.
 Since the women do not expect to survive, they make little attempt to disguise their faces. They strike particular fear among Russians, who find it hard to conceive the depths of hatred towards them because of sanitised media coverage of the Kremlin’s military campaign in Chechnya.  Since the women are not expected to survive, they make little attempt to disguise their faces. They strike particular fear among Russians, who find it hard to conceive the depths of hatred towards them because of sanitised media coverage of the Kremlin’s military campaign in Chechnya.
Sourced from The Times

And so today we again see the Black Widows in the News for another display of indiscriminate bombing in Moscow.  I find it particularly off to think of a woman strapping on a suicide belt and walking into an area that would have maybe children and other women in the vicinity.
I am viewing muslim women with distrust and especially those who wear the black garb known as a burqa.  It is not a far out view that the burqa could very well be a disguise and that the piece of cloth could be worn to conceal hidden items such as belts laden with rusty nails.  They do not look very oppressed to me.

http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Moscow-Airport-Bombing-Russia-On-High-Alert-After-Blast-Which-Killed-At-Least-35-People/Article/201101415909844?f=rssA female suicide bomber is thought to be behind a Moscow airport blast which killed at least 35 people including one Briton.  President Dmitry Medvedev said the attack at Domodedovo airport, which left as many as 180 wounded, was "well-planned act of terror" and vowed to "liquidate" the militants responsible.
Russian authorities said a suspected ''black widow'' could be behind the bombing. A witness told investigators he saw a woman dressed in black next to luggage that exploded.
"The eyewitness declared that the young woman was dressed in black and the explosives were in the bag or suitcase on the floor next to her,"

Oppressed muslim woman?, bullshit!          

Dead Black Widow 2010

Even have a life size display model mannequin

Suicide belt filled with nails, loaf of bread I don't wish to break

Some goodies here along with direction booklet


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Care Packages For Our Deployed

In this household we respect the men and women who serve this Nation in a way that most of us could not.  We admire their courage and  honour their sacrifices.

  A couple of months back I was passing a shopping area and spotted an Aussie Flag so of course I wondered on over to have a sticky and seen a couple of old blokes with some flyers, I asked what was going on and one told me that they were veterans who were letting people know that our troops are going without basics and that a very well kept secret is about to be told.  I was intrigued, tell me more I say as I read the printed flyer.
Did you know that Australia Post allows 2kg FREE POSTAGE for care packages sent to our fellas who are deployed he says, and that you can do this up to 10times!.  I was smiling by this time.  I didn't smile for long as I read the flyer and discovered that our troops go without plenty that you and I would take for granted. Things like toothpaste for example, did you know they have used sand as a substitute. Lip balm, bet you didn't think about that scorching heat on their lips, and balls for their bomb sniffing dogs is a luxury.  I think we can do something about this if we try.

Here is a list
They need things like longlife milk (small packages),
Books, cards, pens, writing paper, boardgames, magazines (no porn)
Batteries, tennis balls for their dogs, music and entertainment,
Female hygiene products, toothbushes, toothpaste, talc, soap, razor blades (not
the cheap no-name ones), shaving cream, mouth wash, moisturizer, lip balm (chap stick), shampoo,
conditioner, inner soles, foot powder, baby wipes, cotton buds, aftershave,
Twisties, chips, trail-mix, coffee and tea sachets, biscuits (not nuts or choc), oatmeal sachets, microwave rice (reject shop $2), microwave popcorn,, lollies,
Ring pull cans of tuna and salmon, small cereal boxes, powdered energy drinks,
Salt and pepper sachets, sauces and condiment sachets, sugar sachets,
Greek spices, spices that go with lamb or goat, cuppa soup, noodles,
disposable spoons and forks, dried food/fruit, drinking chocolate sachets.

I took a couple of flyers and went home and thought about it.  The next day I was at the local Chemist and they came good with some lip balm at cost, and when the women found out what it was for they were interested in getting some Care Packs together themselves.  Great!  Word was getting out.  Next stop was the local KFC and McDonalds to ask for sachets of sauces.  The young girl in KFC was great, she gave a bag full of sauces, disposable spoons forks and even some clean wipes.  Good on her!. I did not get anything from the manager at Maccas, I did not even bother to ask.  I did not want what I was doing to be soiled by anything negative someone may say.
The next few days was filled with gathering odds and ends, checking out secondhand books and getting the word out.  By weeks end there were about four boxes to be sent so off I went to the Post Office (which coincidentally is attached to the Chemist I spoke of) and wouldn't you know it, the lovely women there had been busy themselves and that kids from schools and women from the local knitting class were also donating goods and money for goods.  Truly inspiring.  I do not know exact numbers but would be confident in saying that through those two men that day in the shopping center with their Flag they were able to get hundreds of care packs sent to our troops. With the people I know who have sent packages there have been at least 20.
There are some good people out there who care about our men and women who are deployed and if in our own small way we can make them a little more comfortable well I am happy.
*  I would like to give a special thankyou to the guys (and girls) who work at The Pet Warehouse for donating close to 4kg of extra special goodies for our four legged friends at Christmas time.  That is the spirit we need.

This link is to oceanskykhaki and it has all the information you will need, it has the addresses to send the Care Packages, what you can put inside the packs, what can and cannot be sent,  make specialty Care packs.       http://oceanskykhaki.blogspot.com/

AUSTRALIA POST allows 2kg FREE POSTAGE,  The Post Office is aware of the parcel arrangement with the Department of Defence.


Sending to Afghanistan

An Australian Soldier
Op Slipper
Australian Defence Force

for the dog handler and his helpmate
An Australian EDD Handler
Op Slipper
Australian Defence Force

Sending to East Timor
An Australian Soldier
East Timor Operations
Australian Defence Force

Sending to the Solomon Islands
An Australian Soldier
Solomon Island Operations
Australian Defence Force

Messages to the Troops
Russell Offices
Department of Defence

'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. 
Protect them as they protect us 
Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. 

Mumdouh, Melbourne and More Asylum Seekers.

Melbourne University has decided in good wisdom to treat muslims like any other creed.  They has come out and said that islam is just like any other run of the mill Religion.  I like that!.  There will be no more special treatment or segregation, no more wasting Govt. dollars on toilets and washrooms designed to keep infidels out, no more ducking out to 'pray'. They will have to learn to endure the same basins and dunnies as the rest of us do. Of course the muslims are not happy, they never are when they are told no and will now try and gain support through the  University Islamic Society by sending out an Email with information on how to fight this terrible, terrible injustice. They will no doubt try and use our democracy to work against us, they will disrupt studies by praying in large numbers in outdoor areas that will be seen by other students, they will protest and demonstrate, they will draw up a petition and distribute flyers, they will involve the student Union, The Equal Opportunities Commission and other student and human rights do-gooder group, and they also will contact various Embassies, in other words they will be a burden.  
             My own thoughts on this are why can't they just be like the rest of us, if they blatantly come out and say they are superior well that should be a loud enough message to the powers that be that this Islamic movement or whatever it is is not for Australia.  I do not want any sort of Sharia or Islamic superiority here.  Good on the Melbourne University and I will be sending them an Email to show my support for their decision.

Contact Melbourne University  http://www.unimelb.edu.au/contact/#email
Melbourne University Rejects Islamic Superiority


Trying too hard to be cool.  NOT   
Not much I can say about this one.                                  
Former Australian detainee in Guantanamo, 
Born in Egypt, muslim.  Habib was detained by the United States as a suspected terrorist for over 3yrs  in the fallout from the September 11 terrorist attacks. 
He reckons he was drugged sexually assaulted and beaten at Guantanamo and that the Australian Government was aware of his harsh treatment and therefore was indirectly responsible.
 The bloke is a burden, wish he would go back to Egypt and live there happily ever after and leave us Aussies to forget we had ever heard of the name Mamdouh Habib.  He has just been awarded an undisclosed amount for what, I don't know.  Seems like a lovely chappie, read on ............... 

 27 September 2001 Mamdouh Habib’s house in Sydney is raided by Australian Federal Police (AFP) and Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) officers.
5 Oct 2001 Mamdouh Habib is arrested and detained in Pakistan. He is transferred first to Cairo and held in Egyptian custody and then to Bagram air base in Afghanistan where he is held in US custody. However, no advice is given on these movements to Australian officials.
18 April 2002  The US advises the Australian Government that an Australian citizen, Mamdouh Habib, is being held by the US military in Afghanistan. The Government says it believes Mr Habib was moved to Egypt following his arrest in Pakistan.
6 July 2002 Mr Habib’s lawyer, Stephen Hopper, confirms a Wall Street Journal article which claimed that Mr Habib tried to help two terrorist suspects.
23 March 2003 Australian Greens Senator, Kerry Nettle, calls for the release of Mr Hicks and Mr Habib in light of the release of 19 Afghan detainees. She also calls for Australia to demand that Geneva Conventions apply both in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay
4 March 2004 The US advises Australia that the charges against Mr Hicks and Mr Habib would mainly revolve around their alleged training activities with al-Qaeda.
4 April 2004 Mr Ruddock continues to accept the US statement that Mamdouh Habib had not been subject to torture and have been treated humanely at Guantanamo Bay.
Jan 2005 Prime Minister John Howard says that Mr Habib will not be receiving an apology or compensation.
28 Jan 2005 Mr Ruddock and Mr Downer release a statement announcing Mamdouh Habib’s arrival in Australia. As current offenses of being a member of a terrorist organization did not exist when Mr Habib was first detained, he is not likely to be prosecuted. He will however, remain of security interest.
   * Fast forward to now and we see Julia Gillard has decided to give him a few bucks.  Pathetic, he deserves nothing in my view except a ticket to Egypt.  Burden.
He tried his hand at Politics when he put his name on the ballot in his local NESB council area.  The Auburn area is one area of SW Sydney that has become an enclave for muslims.  The place is a nest


Two new federal magistrates will be appointed to deal with the caseload, at a total cost of $1.6 million, including administrative costs, to be absorbed by the department. The government is bracing for a "large proportion" of failed asylum seekers to appeal their rejections, regardless of the merits of their case.
More boats and more clogging of the system. 
* Another boatload arrived yesterday afternoon with 90 country shoppers a crew of 2.   SIGH.

Clogging up the courts

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Week 1

Happy New Year.     
Lets weigh up the first week here in Australia.

The best feel good story of the week is the one where the cricket went pink for Beast cancer to raise funds for the Jane McGrath Foundation. 
Ladies Day at Sydney Cricket Ground Test against South Africa has been renamed Jane McGrath day in her honour. Jane died last June, aged 42, after a decade-long battle with breast cancer.  And Australian Test star Matthew Haydn has been batting wearing a pink helmet in her memory. 
Janes Foundation was initially set up to raise funds for more care nurses for women suffering from breast cancer, when the foundation started they had 4 nurses this number has risen to 61 in two and a half yrs.  This is the third year there has been a sea of pink at the Cricket.  Bless you Jane.

Turning Pink http://cricketnext.in.com/news/scg-turns-pink-on-jane-mcgrath-day/53007-13.html


In Qld we have dreadful floods that have affected many people in so many ways.  From railways to mines, crops wiped out and washed away, animals lost, drowned or suffering.  We have seen people displaced and their homes lost, and others not wanting to leave.  Residents have been encouraged to leave and the ones who are remaining are mainly self sufficient with their own boats, food and water.  Rain is hampering attempts at clean up.   This is the time when true Aussies step up to the plate and help each other.  In weeks to come I see donations of  food, water, clothing, money, building materials all forthcoming from others.   The affects of these floods in Qld will effect us for a long time to come, both emotionally and economically .   Everything will rise in prices, groceries in all categories will be affected.  Wheat and sugar, two staples were among crops that were flood ravished, all fruit and vegs will cost a small fortune.  Beef is also to rise.
     Bugger that, I love me' steak and three veg meal at least three times a week.  Looks like rissoles for a while.
P.S.  Ju-LIAR would be better off and maybe she would sleep better at night if she donated 500,000,000 to the Qld Flood Fund and not give that sort of money to Indonesia to refurbish madrass'. Come on Ju-LIAR, write a couple of eight zero cheques for the Qld people.

Qld floods    http://www.qld.gov.au/floods/


In NSW a fight between a man and a woman resulted in a 2yr old girl being murdered, the parents, both from Afghanistan had been fighting about an outing, apparently daddy didn't want them to go to the beach.
Culture clash?, I think so. Our way of life here in Australia is to enjoy the sun, the sea and the sand if you live close to the beach. Different cultures sometimes do not adapt and this is an example.
Coming from Afghanistan 5yrs ago the husband settled here in Australia and last year his wife joined him, could it be that his wife had begun to enjoy life here in Australia, had begun to feel freedom and wanted her child to enjoy those freedoms too. A day at the beach for most of us would seem a pretty normal thing to do in the Summertime but for this woman it has become a nightmare. She herself stabbed and her child dead she must now deal with the trauma.
Wonder if we can fuck the husband back off to Afghanistan. Now, there's a good idea Ju-Liar!



   In NSW, Sydney there is a politically correct KFC halal friendly store that is giving counseling sessions for a young muslim male who spat the dummy while at work.  Can you imagine, someone had the audacity to ask for a bacon burger!, I mean, the hide of the man! obviously the bacon burger request was just way too much for the young aggressive employer to handle so he began abusing the woman who began filming and threatening the guy who asked for some bacon.  Like wow, these muslim people seem to go off over the simplest things, I mean we still do live in a safe democracy don't we?.  Last time I checked it was alright to ask for a bacon burger and if there was no bacon or cheese or whatever we were told politely "sorry we don't have any"  not have the joint torn up and tantrums thrown, and in my day that goose would be sacked not 'suspended' and the one who would be counseled would be the customer who was abused.  Obviously the customer is always right does not apply in this instance.   Also, why the hell are we not selling bacon at a KFC outlet?, why do we have to have this continual appeasement of minorities, in particular muslims.  All this gagging of us voicing any sort of disdain or dislike of the islamic culture is wrong. 
    So he will get some counseling.  He was suspended though, isn't that nice he still has a job to go back to after a bit of a stress break.

Video of dummy spit  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYmaEHmq2Mg
 News story  http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/8192344/kfc-employee-screams-insults-at-customer